91D is a disc lock which features an interesting desin and comes in a few different colors. It has a 5mm locking rod which makes it possible to use with most motorcycles and scooters and uses an anti-drill lock with a reversible key. The pouch is included, Security 4,5/10.
Quality locks for LUMA motorcycles. Whether chain, modular, pendant or brake disc locks, everyone can choose from a wide range. The locks are well processed and tested. They are available in various designs and also in several colors. As part of the RCT tests, the manufacturer subjects the locks to a five-phase test, during which he examines the resistance and complexity of the lock failure. Gradually, the locks are tested against damage with two knives, cutting, stretching, impact resistance, as well as a test of the locking system itself. The result is a rating scale from 1 to 10, with 1-5 providing standard protection, 6-8 high protection and 9-10 above-standard protection.
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